Campaign on ‘Justice For Kalikho Pul’ after Arunanchal Pradesh’s CM Kalikho Pul committed suicide as he was tortured by big Lawyers, Politicians and Judges because of which he lost hope and wrote a 60 page note ‘Mera Safar’ as his suicide letter. Represented in the Supreme Court and petitioned to Former President Shri Pranab Mukherjee for intervention.
Azadi March, Jantar Mantar, New Delhi
Organized ‘Azadi March’ against killing of RTI activists and oppression on whistleblower at Jantar Mantar with thousands of concerned citizen and recognized activist working in their respective states.
Sahara Birla Diaries Leak
Campaign on ‘Sahara-Birla Diaries’ which exposed many politicians across party lines on getting bribed to cover up corporates. This was taken up in the Supreme Court but the court didn’t order any investigation.
International RTI Activism
RTI activist Dominic Simon filed a case in Delhi High Court in which the court ordered that Embassy of India cannot refuse RTI Applications.
Justice For Loya
Lead Campaign ‘Justice For Loya’ demanding investigation on the search of Special Judge Loya from Gujarat.
J&K Helicopter Scam
Expose on Corruption by J&K Government in maintenance on Helicopters by Rohit Choudhary.
Regular Training Session to promote RTI Activism
Training Sessions expanded in South India led by Vamsi Kasturi Ji & B.V. Sheshagiri.
Attack on RTI Activists Agnes Kharshijng
Movent against attack on RTI Activist Agnes Kharshijng from Meghalaya, as she was critically injured & attacked by unidentified goons.
Appointment of Lokpal
Dedicated campaign till 2018 and a Public Interest Litigation lead by Prashant Bhushan for the appointment of Lokpal in the Supreme Court of India. The government had to appoint a Lokpal after court orders.